
$SCRY Staking Process

The $SCRY token is utilized as a form of collateral within the Morpheus framework. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to stake $SCRY tokens using Etherscan. Please note that you will need to have Metamask or another web3 wallet installed and funded with $SCRY and Ether (for gas fees).

Using our dApp

Simply use to stake

Using etherscan

Step 1: Navigate to the Contract

Go to Etherscan and find the $SCRY Staking Contract address. Once you have the address, input it into the search bar on the Etherscan homepage to pull up the contract.

Step 2: Connect your Wallet

Click on the "Connect to Web3" button to connect your Metamask or other web3 wallet to Etherscan. This will allow Etherscan to interact with your wallet.

Step 3: Approve the Contract

Before you can stake $SCRY tokens, you must first give the staking contract permission to move $SCRY tokens on your behalf. To do this, you need to call the approve function on the $SCRY token contract.

  • Navigate to the $SCRY token contract page.

  • Go to "Contract" -> "Write Contract".

  • Connect your wallet if it's not connected yet.

  • Find the approve function and fill in the following details:

    • spender: This will be the address of the Staking Contract.

    • amount: This is the amount of $SCRY tokens you want to stake. It needs to be in the smallest unit of the token, called "wei". Use a the + symbol by amount (uint256) and then choose 18 to turn say 1000 tokens to the right wei amount.

Press "Write" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Step 4: Stake your Tokens

Once the approval transaction has been confirmed, you can stake your tokens.

  • Go back to the Staking Contract on Etherscan.

  • Navigate to "Contract" -> "Write Contract".

  • Connect your wallet if it's not connected yet.

  • Find the stakeScry function and fill in the following details:

    • oracle: This will be the address of the oracle you want to support.

    • amount: The amount of $SCRY tokens (in wei) you want to stake.

Press "Write" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Congratulations! You have successfully staked $SCRY tokens. You can verify this by going to "Contract" -> "Read Contract", then calling the stake function with the oracle's address. This will show the total amount of $SCRY tokens staked for that oracle, including your stake.

Remember that the contract also includes functionality to unstake and withdraw your tokens. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these functions and their restrictions before staking. Happy staking!

$SCRY Token Withdrawal

The process of withdrawing your staked $SCRY tokens involves invoking certain functions of the smart contract. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw your $SCRY tokens using Etherscan.

Step 1: Initiate Withdrawal

Before you can withdraw your tokens, you need to initiate a withdrawal. This begins a 7-day unlock period before you can actually withdraw your tokens. This is a security measure designed to prevent oracles from attacking and withdrawing their assets before they can be slashed.

  • Navigate to the $SCRY Staking Contract on Etherscan.

  • Go to "Contract" -> "Write Contract".

  • Connect your wallet if it's not already connected.

  • Find the withdraw function and fill in the following details:

    • oracle: This will be the address of the oracle from which you want to withdraw your staked tokens.

    • amt: The amount of $SCRY tokens (in wei) you want to withdraw.

Press "Write" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Once this transaction is confirmed, a 7-day unlock period begins. You will have to wait until this period ends before you can complete the withdrawal.

Step 2: Complete the Withdrawal

Once the 7-day unlock period is over, you can complete the withdrawal process:

  • Go back to the $SCRY Staking Contract on Etherscan.

  • Navigate to "Contract" -> "Write Contract".

  • Connect your wallet if it's not connected yet.

  • Find the unstake function and fill in the following details:

    • oracle: This should be the same oracle address you used in step 1.

    • amt: This should be the same amount you specified in step 1.

Press "Write" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Congratulations! You have successfully withdrawn your staked $SCRY tokens. These tokens should now be back in your wallet.

Keep in mind that if the oracle was slashed during the 7-day unlock period, you may receive fewer tokens back than you originally staked. This is because a portion of the staked tokens are burned when an oracle is slashed.

Last updated