The protocol's cross-chain functionality allows DApps to maintain interoperability and composability across various networks. Developers can now seamlessly access data from any EVM network, including Ethereum and its layer 2 networks like Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism. This ability eliminates complicated cross-chain data stitching, offering real-time insights and data flows between DApps on different networks.
Crosschain Data Lookup
The Crosschain Data Lookup XCHAINfeature offers two main functions, XDATA and XBALANCE, designed to allow for data extraction across various blockchains. This ability to perform crosschain lookups opens up a multitude of possibilities for complex applications.
Parameters for XDATA/XBALANCE
RPC - The RPC URL of the destination EVM compatible blockchain.
const functionSig = 'balanceOf(address)';
const fnHash =; // keccak256 hash of function signature
const functionSelector = fnHash.slice(0, 10); // first four bytes of hash
const types = ['address'];
const values = ['0x9d31e30003f253563ff108bc60b16fdf2c93abb5'];
const encodedParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(types, values);
// Concatenate function selector and parameters
const encodedData = functionSelector + encodedParams.slice(2); // remove '0x' from params
FLAG - A flag for XDATA for contract presets to make it easier to do common lookups like ERC20 balances using an address in the data rather than the full calldata. 0 for custom with any calldata.
Constructed as
apiEndpoint = 'XCHAIN'
This flags the oracle that you are making a XDATA or XBALANCE request for another chain.
Purple values must be replaced with your values
XDATA Function
The XDATAfunction performs a crosschain lookup for any read-only contract function.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.12;
interface Morpheus {
function getFeed(
uint256 feedID
returns (
uint256 value,
uint256 decimals,
uint256 timestamp,
string memory valStr
function requestFeeds(
string[] calldata APIendpoint,
string[] calldata APIendpointPath,
uint256[] calldata decimals,
uint256[] calldata bounties
) external payable returns (uint256[] memory feeds);
function supportFeeds(
uint256[] calldata feedIds,
uint256[] calldata values
) external payable;
contract CrosschainLookup {
Morpheus morpheus = Morpheus(0x0000000000071821e8033345A7Be174647bE0706);
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public userBalance;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public userBalanceFeed;
string public RPC = "";
address public owner;
constructor() payable {
owner = msg.sender;
function getBalance(address target, address TOKEN) public payable {
string[] memory apiEndpoint = new string[](1);
apiEndpoint[0] = "XCHAIN";
// ABI encode the balanceOf function and the address
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature(
string[] memory apiEndpointPath = new string[](1);
apiEndpointPath[0] = string.concat(
uint256[] memory decimals = new uint256[](1);
decimals[0] = 0;
uint256[] memory bounties = new uint256[](1);
bounties[0] = .01 ether; // Replace with actual bounty value
uint256[] memory feeds = morpheus.requestFeeds{value: .01 ether}(
userBalanceFeed[target][TOKEN] = feeds[0]; // Storing the feed ID here, to be decoded in setMyBalance
function addressToBytes(
address _address
) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes20 addressBytes = bytes20(_address);
bytes memory result = new bytes(20);
for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
result[i] = addressBytes[i];
return result;
function bytesToHexString(
bytes memory data
) public pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory alphabet = "0123456789abcdef";
bytes memory str = new bytes(2 + data.length * 2);
str[0] = "0";
str[1] = "x";
for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
str[2 + i * 2] = alphabet[uint(uint8(data[i] >> 4))];
str[3 + i * 2] = alphabet[uint(uint8(data[i] & 0x0f))];
return string(str);
function setBalance(address target, address token) public {
(uint256 balance, uint256 timestamp,, ) = morpheus.getFeed(
require(timestamp >= block.timestamp - 10000, "Data is too old");
userBalance[target][token] = balance;
In this usage example, FLAG is set to 0 which signifies a call to a function other than 'balanceOf'. The addresses are handled as strings as required by the node, all requests must be as a string, and you can use the tools in this sol to go from bytes to strs as needed.
The XBALANCE function performs a crosschain lookup of an account's balance in the native token.
These examples demonstrate how developers can leverage the Morpheus oracle contract to request crosschain data or balance. The execution time may vary based on the response from the destination chain and the gas price of the network where Morpheus is deployed.
Crosschain Data Lookup - getFeeds Function
The getFeeds function retrieves the latest data from multiple feeds on the Morpheus oracle.
feedIDs (uint256[] memory): An array of feed IDs to retrieve values for.
value (uint256[] memory): An array of the latest values of the feeds corresponding to the provided feed IDs.
timestamp (uint256[] memory): An array of Unix timestamps (in seconds) of the latest updates for the feeds corresponding to the provided feed IDs.
valueStr (string[] memory): An array of the latest string values of the feeds corresponding to the provided feed IDs. This is where the raw hexadecimal ABI-encoded data from an XDATA request is returned if the FLAG was set to 0. This raw data can be decoded using Solidity's ABI decoding functions. This example provides a helpful guide on how to decode the ABI in Solidity. On the other hand, for XBALANCE requests or ERC20 balance requests with FLAG set to 1, the balance is returned as a decimal string in the value array. To handle first do bytes(str) to then be able to decode.
Custom data
Hex data
If you need hex for your contract, the oracle will submit as a string. You can convert back to hex using this to be able to ABI decode.
function stringToByte(string memory input) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory stringBytes = bytes(input);
uint offset = 0;
// Check for '0x' or '0X' prefix and adjust the offset
if (stringBytes.length >= 2 && (stringBytes[0] == '0') && (stringBytes[1] == 'x' || stringBytes[1] == 'X')) {
offset = 2;
// The length of the result should be half the length of the input string minus the offset
bytes memory result = new bytes((stringBytes.length - offset) / 2);
for (uint i = offset; i < stringBytes.length; i += 2) {
result[(i - offset) / 2] = bytes1(_hexCharToByte(stringBytes[i]) << 4 | _hexCharToByte(stringBytes[i + 1]));
return result;
function _hexCharToByte(bytes1 char) internal pure returns (bytes1) {
if (uint8(char) >= 48 && uint8(char) <= 57) {
return bytes1(uint8(char) - 48);
} else if (uint8(char) >= 65 && uint8(char) <= 70) {
return bytes1(uint8(char) - 55); // A = 65 in ASCII (65-10)
} else if (uint8(char) >= 97 && uint8(char) <= 102) {
return bytes1(uint8(char) - 87); // a = 97 in ASCII (97-10-32)
} else {
revert("Invalid hexadecimal character.");
To demonstrate a sample usage of custom ABI decoding in the context of the Crosschain Data Lookup using Morpheus, let's consider an example scenario. We'll simulate a situation where a smart contract needs to decode data returned from an XDATA request with a custom ABI.
In this example, let's assume the contract with a function getUserInfo(address). The function returns multiple values: uint256 balance, uint256 timestamp, and bool isActive. We will encode this call, use the Morpheus oracle to get the data from another chain, and then decode the returned data.
Here are the steps:
Encode the Function Call for getUserInfo: First, we need to encode the function call for getUserInfo similar to how it was done for balanceOf in the provided script.
Make the Request Using Morpheus: We'll use the requestFeeds function of Morpheus to request this data.
Decode the Returned Data: Once the data is returned, we will use a custom function to decode it based on the expected return types from getUserInfo.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.12;
interface Morpheus {
function requestFeeds(
string[] calldata APIendpoint,
string[] calldata APIendpointPath,
uint256[] calldata decimals,
uint256[] calldata bounties
) external payable returns (uint256[] memory feeds);
function getFeed(
uint256 feedID
returns (
uint256 value,
uint256 decimals,
uint256 timestamp,
string memory valStr
contract CrosschainLookup {
Morpheus public morpheus;
string public RPC = "";
address public owner;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public userBalanceFeed;
mapping(address => mapping(address => UserInfo)) public userInfo;
struct UserInfo {
uint256 balance;
uint256 timestamp;
bool isActive;
constructor(address _morpheus) payable {
owner = msg.sender;
morpheus = Morpheus(_morpheus);
function getUserInfo(
address target,
) public payable {
// Encode the getUserInfo function call
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature(
// Construct the API endpoint path
string[] memory apiEndpoint = new string[](1);
apiEndpoint[0] = "XCHAIN";
string[] memory apiEndpointPath = new string[](1);
apiEndpointPath[0] = string.concat(
uint256[] memory decimals = new uint256[](1);
decimals[0] = 0;
uint256[] memory bounties = new uint256[](1);
bounties[0] = .001 ether; // Replace with actual bounty value
uint256[] memory feeds = morpheus.requestFeeds{value: .001 ether}(
userBalanceFeed[target][EXTERNAL_CONTRACT] = feeds[0];
function processUserInfo(address target, address token) public {
(, , , string memory encodedData) = morpheus.getFeed(
(uint256 balance, uint256 timestamp, bool isActive) = decodeUserInfo(
userInfo[target][token] = UserInfo(balance, timestamp, isActive);
function decodeUserInfo(
bytes memory data
) public pure returns (uint256 balance, uint256 timestamp, bool isActive) {
return abi.decode(data, (uint256, uint256, bool));
function addressToBytes(
address _address
) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes20 addressBytes = bytes20(_address);
bytes memory result = new bytes(20);
for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
result[i] = addressBytes[i];
return result;
function bytesToHexString(
bytes memory data
) public pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory alphabet = "0123456789abcdef";
bytes memory str = new bytes(2 + data.length * 2);
str[0] = "0";
str[1] = "x";
for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
str[2 + i * 2] = alphabet[uint(uint8(data[i] >> 4))];
str[3 + i * 2] = alphabet[uint(uint8(data[i] & 0x0f))];
return string(str);
function stringToBytes(
string memory hexString
) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory bstr = bytes(hexString);
require(bstr.length >= 2, "Input string too short");
// Skip '0x' prefix if present
uint offset = 0;
if (bstr[0] == "0" && (bstr[1] == "x" || bstr[1] == "X")) {
offset = 2;
(bstr.length - offset) % 2 == 0,
"Hex string must have an even number of characters"
bytes memory bytesArray = new bytes((bstr.length - offset) / 2);
for (uint i = 0; i < bytesArray.length; i++) {
bytes1 tmp1 = bstr[i * 2 + offset];
bytes1 tmp2 = bstr[i * 2 + offset + 1];
bytesArray[i] = bytes1(
hexCharToUint(tmp1) * 16 + hexCharToUint(tmp2)
return bytesArray;
function hexCharToUint(bytes1 c) internal pure returns (uint8) {
if (uint8(c) >= uint8(bytes1("0")) && uint8(c) <= uint8(bytes1("9"))) {
return uint8(c) - uint8(bytes1("0"));
if (uint8(c) >= uint8(bytes1("a")) && uint8(c) <= uint8(bytes1("f"))) {
return 10 + uint8(c) - uint8(bytes1("a"));
if (uint8(c) >= uint8(bytes1("A")) && uint8(c) <= uint8(bytes1("F"))) {
return 10 + uint8(c) - uint8(bytes1("A"));
revert("Invalid hexadecimal character");
In this example:
getUserInfo function encodes a call to an external contract's getUserInfo function and sends it via Morpheus oracle.
decodeUserInfo takes the raw hexadecimal ABI-encoded data (as a string) and decodes it into the expected types (uint256, uint256, bool).
processUserInfo demonstrates how to use decodeUserInfo to process the data returned from the oracle.
This is a high-level example. In a real-world scenario, error handling, gas optimization, and other considerations should be taken into account.